Simple Authentic Living




My name is Kara. Wife, mother of three, lover of people. Coach, writer, speaker, business owner.
Partial to a beautiful aesthetic. Living in London, shaped in South Africa – roots remain in Jesus.

So, my favourite thing is being a wife and mom but in our spare time my hubby and I get to live life with and pastor a beautiful tribe of guys and girls at our local church. Together we own our own business, Pure Identity.

My other passion in life is coaching and mentoring. As a coach I give my clients the support and the tools needed for them to become the person they were created to be and to live life to the full. I offer values-based coaching for Intentional Living, Inspired Parenthood, Indispensable Relationships, and Intuitive Organisation. My practices centre around Values, Boundaries and Behaviours and are backed up my 15+ years of leadership and coaching experience. Whether it’s helping people develop a healthy life balance, teaching them about set boundaries and having hard conversations, or giving tools to enrich their relationships, I provide 1-1 coaching packages to help my clients thrive and not just survive. The aim? Simple, authentic living.

This website started as a blog but now it is so much more. However, I will always love words! Well crafted, timely words stop me in my tracks every time. The Bible says that in the beginning was the Word, and from the beginning, words brought forth life.


However, putting my words out for the world to see does not come easily at all. When I write for other people I never have this battle. Firstly, this is because I only write for people who ask me, so I know I haven’t promoted myself. Secondly, no matter what I write, if it is for someone else, they are ultimately responsible for those words. Thirdly, the people I write for are people I have known well for years and years, so I can actually hear their voices in my head as I write. Cut to me trying to write for myself and that is a whole other story! So, if it is such a battle, why publish a blog?!

On my 27th birthday, a dear friend said to me: “I see you sitting at a desk and above the desk is a frame and it’s full of quotes that you have saved…and I hear a voice saying ‘The time is now. It’s time to write.”’ Laughter and tears followed because those words for me, spoken again at just the right time. And so, here I am. Sometimes calling and vocation comes knocking even when we’re not looking for it.

I often get asked about being a wife and a mom and about how to live life well. I spend time sharing about the life God has given us and the condition of the human heart, but I'm by no means an expert: just a girl with a story marked by grace.  

So, that is what you will find here - my coaching offerings, my words and links to other exciting things I’m doing.

Although my name is on this site, my life has been built on a platform that in many ways I have not earned or qualified for. It’s a gift from fathers and mothers who have gone before me and who have loved me to the place where I feel ready to 'press publish' and I honour them for it; their love, support and challenge, mans my story landed in victory and not defeat. To my friends who relentlessly champion me on: when I write and even when I coach, I imagine that I'm just sitting with you, talking about life, which is so rich because of each of you. 

My hope is that this will be a space where you will find common themes from your own life; let it be here where you will uncover truth and be inspired and uplifted.

So, friend, thanks for stopping by. You’re so welcome here.

With all my love, Kara x