Kara Nothnagel

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This largely unedited free-write is linking up with the Write 31 Days Challenge. // indicates the start and stop of five minutes. The prompt word for today under the 31 Days of Five Minute Fridays is WORSHIP. 

My 31 Day writing series is called 

31 Days of living well

Over the next 31 days I am going to write about things I feel are key to living well. We know that everyone lives, but not many people seem to live well. However, I believe we were made for a life that is full to the brim of life - abundant life! I am by no means an expert or perfect, I am on the journey. However, this is a topic that keeps me up late at night thinking and it causes me to get up in the morning with joy and focus. I really hope that you are blessed and that you will join in the conversation with me. 

Ready, Steady, Go...

//Where your treasure is, there is your heart is also. That is what the bible says and although it is not strictly a scripture about worship, that is the verse that came to mind. The scripture is actually talking about not storing up treasure on earth that will ultimately pass away, but storing up eternal treasure - that is making decisions that count in eternity. But, worship takes place in the heart so this is where my mind went. 

In today's world many many people do not consider themselves to be people of faith and therefore not people who worship. But looking at this scripture it makes me think... worship is not so much about lifting your hands to songs, or bowing down before alters. However, worship is much more about the things that not only grab and hold your affection, but also your resources - emotional and physical. We invest in what we love, in what holds our affection. But the word treasure... that takes it a step further. I asked myself, what do I treasure? My husband, children, my family, my people. I treasure them. I treasure the word of God in my life because it is alive, active and the very thing I live on. I treasure time with the people I love... What do all these things also have in common? I would also sacrifice for them. You see there are things we like or even have some kind of love for, but we wouldn't necessarily sacrifice anything for them. However, that which I treasure is that which I would sacrifice for. //

I believe one of the keys to living well, is making sure that what has your heart is worthy of having it!

What or who has your heart? Your affection, attention, focus, adoration and esteem? Have you rightfully given them that place, or have they crept into that place without you knowing? Because faith or no faith, that can become a thing we worship. 

In Genesis it says,

"Starting from scratch, He made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find Him. He doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; He’s near. We live and move in Him // Acts 17:28-29 MSG

We, each made by God, were made out of His love and for His love, and we were also created with a need, longing and capacity to worship. Just look at your regular, average guy at a football match or a teenage girl at her favourite band's concert... We were made to lavish adoration on something other than ourselves! But, what I have found is there is only one who is worthy of it and His name of Jesus. We see day in and day out as celebrities break down, break up and dope up... that humans were not made to be worshipped and actually do not have the capacity to withstand it. Worship belongs to the glorious one who made us. We are made to worship, not to be worshipped. It's a hard question, but I think a healthy one to ask regularly. As a Christian. I am asking myself - Kara, where is your treasure? Do the things you are sacrificing for have eternal value? Or has the grind of life taken that place? That has meant and I know will continue to mean a continual level of sacrifice and then praying of the prayer "not my will, but yours"... Even when it's hard. 

Matthew 6:21 (AMP)

for where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires;

that on which your life centers] will be also.


So, faith or no faith, I'm asking, what do you worship? And where is your treasure? because where your treasure is, so too is your heart. And whatever your heart is centred on, the quality of your life will hinge on. And friend, we want to be people who live well.

Thanks so much for stopping by, K xx